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Smart Home Energy Saving Statistics

Smart Home Energy Saving Statistics

Smart Home Energy Saving Statistics

Energy efficiency is quickly becoming a common concern for many people. Smart homes are one way people are looking to practice energy efficiency. Smart home technology has numerous benefits when it comes to energy consumption, and it also provides a comfortable living. 

Smart homes are modern homes with smart devices and appliances that homeowners control using their smartphones, tablet, or home assistant hub. Some smart devices can also streamline other tasks around the house for ease and comfort. 

Smart product ownership is steadily rising in the UK. In 2022, an overwhelming majority of UK residents own at least one smart product, while only 16% of UK residents say they do not use any smart products. (Statista, 2022). 

The smart home technology market is expected to grow to 138 USD by 2026 and will continue to get bigger. (Globe News Wire, 2022). Before you start creating your smart home, here are some important smart home energy-saving statistics that will help you make the right decisions. 

Worldwide Smart Home Statistics

Smart homes are making an impact all over the world, but there are a few countries where the demand for smart homes is rising exponentially. Here are the countries where smart homes are booming.

The United Kingdom

  • There are 5.3 million households out of the total 27.8 households in the UK that use smart home products. This statistic shows that 19.7% of UK households have smart products. (Saas Industry, 2022)  Due to this rate, The United Kingdom comes behind The United States and China. 
  • In 2022, the smart home market revenue in the UK is expected to reach 7.85 billion USD or 6.58 billion GBP. (Statista, 2022)
  • The UK smart home tech market shows a potential growth of 16%. This growth can increase the value of the market to 11.94 billion GBP by 2026. (Statista ​​2022). 
  • UK households spend £33 billion on smart devices during the pandemics. (Insight DIY 2021). Since many people were quarantining or staying safe at home, there was an increase in demand for smart products to make home living more comfortable. 
  • 24.9% of UK internet users between the ages of 16-64 years old own at least one smart home device. (Finbold, 2021). 
  • Ireland also ranks high for smart product use with 22% of users. (Finbold, 2021) 
  • 64% of UK residents have spent money on smart products in 2018. Out of this figure, 42% of the residents have spent at least £100. (Smart Home Week, 2018).  With this statistic, we can see that people in the UK are willing to spend money on products that make their life more comfortable. Since market experts forecast that smart technology is growing more, it is safe to say that many people will want to spend money on high-quality smart products that are energy efficient and easy to use.  
  • 65% of homeowners are willing to pay extra for a smart home. (The Washington Post, 2016) 
  • The average expenditure on smart products and devices is expected to increase by 30%. (Smart Home Week, 2018). 
  • Word of mouth and opinion is important for UK homeowners. 35% of UK residents reach out to family and friends for opinions about purchasing smart products. (Smart Home Week, 2018). With this statistic, we can see that user experience is important to people when purchasing smart products. Therefore, many people seek out smart products to improve their daily lives, and it is important to invest in smart products that provide this benefit. 
  • People are eager to purchase smart home products, and this shows major potential growth for the smart home industry in the future. 40% of people in the UK research for less than an hour before purchasing a smart product or appliance. (Smart Home Week, 2018). 
  • However, some people in the UK have reservations about smart technology. 62% of people are worried about cyber security and hacking with smart home systems. (Smart Home Week, 2018). To avoid such issues, it is important for smart product companies to take measures to ensure cyber safety for their consumers. Ensuring such features will drive up the interest in smart technology. 
  • The UK’s smart product household penetration will take up 45.8% of the population in 2022. This number is expected to reach 84.8% by 2026. (Statista, 2022). 

Even though the UK has a smaller percentage of smart product consumers, there is significant growth happening in this region. With these statistics, we can see that the UK is becoming more comfortable with smart products. 

While some UK residents have concerns about smart products in cyber security, smart product manufacturers can take these concerns and improve upon them. UK residents are also more likely to rely on word of mouth and other consumers’ opinions; therefore, UK smart product manufacturers should ensure excellent user experience and user satisfaction. 

As mentioned above, UK’s smart home manufacturers take up 45.8% of the smart technology market; however, this number has the potential to grow significantly. In conclusion, UK’s smart technology market shows a high potential for growth based on positive user experience. 


  • Behind the UK, Germany shows the most potential growth for smart technology. (GW News, 2020). 
  • German residents make an average of 107,480 searches for smart home products every month. Out of this figure, 90,500 average searches are for “Smart TV.” (GW News, 2020). 
  • According to the German industry association Bitkom, 41% of German residents will own at least one smart home device in 2021. Bitkom forecasts this number will steadily increase in the upcoming years. (IFA News, 2021). This number shows that nearly 40 million German people seem much more comfortable with smart products, and therefore, the German smart technology market than experienced major growth in this region.
  • The most popular smart devices in Germany are television and connectivity products. (GFU, 2021). With this data, German technology manufacturers can make further improvements to smart home entertainment and connectivity products. 
  • 16% of German residents use smart products through an app. This number is expected to increase up to 25% in the coming years. (GFU, 2021) 
  • The smart home market revenue in Germany is expected to reach 6.62 billion USD by 2026. This revenue is 1.32 billion USD behind UK’s projected revenue. (Statista, 2022) Despite this difference we can see that the Germany smart product market is very close to the UK smart product market. The level of innovation in both these countries can put one market ahead of the other. 
  • For 37% of German residents, the price is a major restrictive barrier when it comes to purchasing smart products. (IFA News, 2021). 
  • Nearly a third of the population does not want to purchase smart products as they are complicated to use. (IFA News, 2021). 

With these statistics, we can see that Germany has a lot of room to grow when it comes to smart home technology. Many people are comfortable with the idea of smart home products, and the statistics show that there is a significant portion of the population already owns smart products. However, just as it was in the UK, Germany also maintains some apprehension toward smart products. 

As with the UK, Germans are also wary of smart devices due to security reasons. Around 28% of German residents are not comfortable with using smart products for security purposes. 19% of German residents are opposed to smart security products such as smart locks and smart video cameras. (GFU, 2021). 

The reason for this apprehension is cyber security. 

Many Germans believe that they will be at a higher risk of cyber hacking and theft with smart security products. To create a bigger impact in Germany’s smart product market, it is important for manufacturers to emphasise and improve the security features of smart security products. 

The United States

  • The United States is the number one country for smart homes. (Statista, 2019). 
  • The US has the largest smart home penetration rate worldwide. (Statista, 2020). 
  • The US had an estimated 47.4 million smart homes in 2022. As of 2022, there are 140 million homes in the country. This means that nearly 35% of all the homes in the US are smart homes. (Statista, 2022). 
  • The 2022 statistic is an approximately 17.9 million household increase from 2018 (29.5 million households), which means that the number of smart homes in the US is steadily rising. (Oberlo, 2022) 
  • Smart home sales in the US are projected to reach 47 billion USD in 2025. This figure is twice the size of the sales in 2020. (Statista, 2021). 
  • The average American spends $146 on smart home products each year. (Safewise, 2022). 
  • In 2022, 23% of broadband households in the US had three or more smart house devices and appliances. (Park Associates, 2021). 
  • Half of all US households have atleast one smart home appliance or device. (NPD News, 2021)
  • US households increased their use of connected devices by 25 during the pandemic. (Reuters Smart devices. 2021).  

These figures and statistics show just how big the smart home technology market is in the United States. Many US households rely on smart home technology daily; some even use smart products daily. Market experts forecast the smart home industry is growing significantly in this region. 


  • China is second when it comes to smart home technology growth. (Statista, 2019). 
  • There are 68 million smart households in China out of the 500 million households. (Statista, 2021). 
  • The smart home technology market in China is expected to grow their review by 23.63 billion USD in 2022. (Statista, 2022) 
  • The revenue of smart home products is growing at a steady rate of 15.8%, which will lead to a projected market volume of 42.6 billion USD by 2026. (Statista, 2022)
  • Chine homeowners focus more on connectivity, comfort, and lighting smart devices. (Research And Markets, 2019). 
  • By 2026, it is expected the number of active smart households will reach 142 million users. (Statista, 2022). 
  • The current smart home penetration rate stands at 16.6%; however, this rate is expected to grow up to 29% by 2026. (Statista, 2022). 
  • In 2018, the Chinese smart home security revenue was 1.8 million USD. (Statista, 2019). 
  • The total smart home appliance revenue in China stands at 7.6 million USD. (Statista, 2022). 

China is steadily growing its smart home technology market. Many homeowners in china are becoming open to the idea of smart home systems. Smart home tech companies in China expect major revenue in the coming years due to improved technology and the comfort level associated with smart homes. 

According to the statistics, many Chinese homeowners seek comfort when it comes to smart home products. This is different than American homeowners as they prefer smart home technology for their entertainment purposes. 

Chinese smart product enthusiasts are also more likely to buy personal smart gadgets such as smart watches or smart glasses. There are high levels of digitisation and internet penetration in China, which means that the smart home market has a high potential for growth.

Smart Home Energy-Saving Product Statistics

Now that you know how well smart home products are doing globally, it is important to break down how each smart product performs according to user demands. Since there are so many smart products on the market, it is difficult to know which product works best. 

Here are all the important statistics you should know about smart home products.

Smart TVs

When most people think of smart products, they think of smart TVs. Due to increasing digitisation and the improvement of high-speed internet, many people are turning to smart TVs as the first step to creating a smart home. 

If you are on the lookout for smart TV products, here are some statistics that will help you make a decision. 

  • Households in the US are very keen on smart TV products. In terms of consumption, the smart TV penetration rate in the US is 87%. (Statista, 2022). 
  • In the UK, the smart TV household penetration rate reached 67% in 2021, and it shows signs of growth. (Statista, 2022). 

These high consumption numbers in both US and UK show that many people are willing to switch to smart TVs. Smart TVs also tend to provide a better user experience and entertainment solution. 

  • In the US, It is estimated that smart TV users will increase to 119 million by 2022. This figure represents 58.3% of all connected TV consumers. (Statista, 2022). 
  • In the UK, 52% of media consumption is done through connecting and smart TVs. (Inside Intelligence, 2020). This figure shows that many people are willing to switch to smart TVs from traditional television sets.
  • 55% of British residents own a smart TV making it one of the most popular smart devices in the UK behind smart phones. (Insight DIY, 2021). 
  • In 2019, the time spent by users with digital/smart media surpassed the time spent with traditional media. This figure shows that there are high levels of adaption and use of smart media in the UK. (Insider Intelligence, 2020). 
  • The ownership of smart TV has risen by 76% worldwide. This number shows the number of households purchasing and using smart TVs in 2022. There is a 6% increase from last year as in 2021, the household ownership of smart TVs was 70%. (TV Technology, 2022). 
  • The market value of smart TV is on the rise. In 2020, the market value for smart TVs was approximately 100 million USD. Market experts forecast growth of 120 million USD from 2022 to 2026. (Market Watch, 2022). 
  • Many modern smart TVs use LED technology which provides high energy savings for consumers. In fact, Smart LED TVs consume an average of 100 watts, whereas LCD and plasma TVs consume 150-300 watts based on a 50-inch TV size (Payless Power, 2019). 

Smart TVs are becoming popular in many households. The popularity of such TVs has prompted manufacturers to produce energy-efficient and environmentally products. Many Smart TVs are built with LED technology that ensures your TVs consume less energy while it is on and when it is on standby mode. Energy efficiency is becoming very common in smart products as many manufacturers not only want to modernise your home, but they also want you to save on energy bills. 

Smart Light Bulbs

Smart lighting is another popular way people are turning their standard homes into smart homes. These modern light bulbs are energy-efficient and provide various capabilities that are not available in regular light bulbs. 

Incandescent lights are slowly being phased out in several countries due to their high-energy consumption and negative environmental impact. To replace such bulbs, manufacturers created LED light bulbs, and in some cases, manufacturers design these bulbs with smart capabilities for even more energy saving benefits. 

Here are some important statistics about smart lighting. 

  • The global market size for smart lighting was estimated to be worth 10.9 billion USD in 2021. (Markets and Markets, 2021). This figure shows that there is significant interest in smart lighting worldwide. One reason for this popularity could be developing economics and acceptance of electricity standards. 
  • Market experts project that the smart lighting industry will reach a value of 27.7 billion USD by 2026. This highlights a significant 16.8 billion growth in the span of 5 years. (Markets and Markets, 2021).
  • 12% of the British population uses smart light bulbs, and 57% use an app to control their lighting. (Insight DIY, 2021). This puts smart lights in the top ten list of most popular smart products in the UK.  
  • A typical incandescent bulb with 1600 lumens consumes 100 watts compared to an LED bulb that consumes between 15-20 watts with the same lumen value. (LED Lighting Info, 2020). With this figure, we can see a staggering difference between incandescent light bulbs and LED bulbs. LED bulbs provide high-intensity brightness while consuming less energy. 
  • LED smart bulbs consume 90% less energy than traditional or incandescent lightbulbs (Digital Trends, 2021). 
  • In the UK, the annual energy cost for running smart LED light bulbs for 24 hours a day is £23.14. In comparison, the energy cost for running an incandescent light 24 hours a day is £154.28. (The Eco Experts, 2022). With smart LEDs, you gain savings of approximately £131 annually. This shows a major cost difference a conventional bulbs and LED lighting. 
  • LED smart lights have a lifespan of 50,000 to 100,000 hours. This is significantly higher than the lifespan of incandescent bulbs at 1,200. (Stouch Lighting, 2016). With a longer lifespan you don’t need to spend a lot of money on replacement costs and this feature will also help you save money on energy in the long run. 
  • Smart features are important for LED lights because 30% of light energy consumption can go to waste without proper control. (Markets and Markets, 2021). Smart light provides a better degree of control over your lighting as you can operate them from anywhere with the help of an app. 
  • Market experts forecast that smart lighting will take up 86% of all lighting sales due to the numerous benefits of LED bulbs. (Markets and Markets, 2021). 

Throughout these statistics, the common trend is that smart lighting has a significant staying power. Since most smart lights use LED bulbs, consumers will enjoy numerous benefits after purchasing these high-tech lighting solutions. 

However, there is one major limitation that makes consumers hesitate to purchase LED lights. These lighting solutions have higher upfront costs that could make it difficult for budget-conscious to make a purchase. (Markets and Markets, 2021).  

Many smart lights have a high production cost due to the various components and features of bulb structure. Manufacturers can overcome this by creating a budget-friendly option for consumers. 

Still, it is worth noting that smart lights help consumers save a significant portion on energy bills due to their energy-efficient features. As mentioned in the statistics, LED light bulbs to provide better savings compared to incandescent bulbs. 

Confused on what light bulbs are energy savings? Check out our blog on Energy Saving Light Bulbs! 

Smart Heaters

Heaters are major energy consumers in households. A standard room heater can consume up to 700 to 3000 watts, whereas a traditional water heater takes around 1500 watts of power. (Electrical Classroom, 2021). 

Many people need heating units in their households, especially if they reside in a colder climate region. A good way to become more efficient with heating units is by installing a smart heater. Smart heaters are rising in popularity as they provide on-demand efficient heating with a lower energy cost. 

Here are some important energy saving statistics about smart heaters

  • The Global smart heating and thermostat market is expected to reach 11.36 billion USD in 2027. Market experts forecast a 28% value increase between 2020 to 2027. (Allied Market Research, 2021). 
  • The spending on smart thermostats increased by 30% during the Covid-19 pandemic. (Earth Web, 2022). 
  • In 2021, United Stated residents used 207 billion kilowatt hours of space heater energy. In the same years, US residents used 176 billion kilowatt hours of water heat energy. This number makes up 26% of their annual energy consumption. (U.S Energy Information Administration, 2021). With this figure, we can see that heating is a major source of energy consumption; therefore, methods should be undertaken to conserve energy in this department. 
  • Many households suffer from high energy bills due to high heat energy consumption. In the UK, heating costs take up over half the monthly bill in an average household. (Energy Saving Trust, 2020). By combining this number with the US’ heating energy consumption, it is clear that heating is a major source of energy wastage. 
  • By switching to smart heating systems, households can save up to 6% on their annual energy bills. (Science Direct, 2021). This represents an average number, and the amount of savings can fluctuate depending on how often you use your heating unit. One major advantage of a smart heating unit is that you receive efficient warmth; therefore, you don’t have to keep your heater running for a long time like you would a standard space heater. 
  • Smart heaters with a programmable thermostat can help you save an average of 10% to 20% on energy bills. (Jacob’s Heating,  2022). 
  • Even though smart heating systems have high upfront costs, many smart heating manufacturers guarantee that the device pays for itself in two years. (Comfy Living, 2022). 
  • Smart water heaters can earn owners an average of £170 savings per year. (Green Tech Media, 2016). 

As mentioned earlier, heating is a major area of energy consumption worldwide. To overcome this energy waste, many homeowners are switching to smart heaters. Due to this demand, the smart heating market has a lot of room for growth. 

Many people are hesitant to purchase smart heaters due to their high upfront cost; however, with these statistics, we can see that these modern heaters pay for themselves within 2 years. Smart heaters have several high-quality capabilities that allow you to convert heat energy in order to reduce your energy bills. Want to learn more about saving heat energy? Read our blog on 10 Ways to save Heat Energy

Smart Plugs

Smart plugs are a great way to turn your ordinary devices smart. These modern plugs allow you to control your devices and appliances so you can control how much energy they consume. Smart plugs might be smaller in size, but they provide several energy saving benefits. 

Many appliances do not fully shut off. Instead, they go into standby mode, which keeps consuming electricity. Smart plugs are extremely important for reducing energy loss through standby mode. 

Here are some ways smart plugs help reduce energy consumption. 

  • Around 40% of a building’s electricity consumption comes from devices plugged into switches and sockets. This energy does not come from devices in use; instead, it is consumed when these devices are left on standby mode. (WIRED, 2022).  
  • Even though the smart plug market share is smaller than other smart products, there is much room for growth. In 2020, the global market for smart plugs reached 4.92 billion USD; however, market experts forecast a 40% growth in the upcoming years. (Emergen Research, 2022). The 40% figure shows that sales for smart plugs will increase in the upcoming years, and one major reason could be their energy-saving qualities. 
  • 5% of the United States’ complete electricity is wasted through vampire load. This level of energy is enough to power the entire region of Italy (Arcadia, 2018). Vampire load or standby power is when your devices don’t shut off completely but instead go into a standby mode. Even though a standby mode consumes less energy than a device being fully operating, it can still take up a significant portion of your electricity bill. 
  • The actual power draw of standby mode is 0.5 to 30 watts. This is a smaller power draw, but the energy consumption adds up when appliances are left on standby for 24 hours. If you have multiple devices on standby, you might be wasting an even larger amount of energy. (Information and Electronic Technologies, 2020). 
  • Cutting vampire energy can also prove beneficial for the environment. Reducing standby energy consumption in the US alone is equivalent to cutting off carbon emissions in a medium-sized country like Lebanon or Jordan. (WIRED, 2022). 

These statistics highlight the importance of smart plugs. Standby energy costs are hidden charges on your electricity bill. Many people don’t realise the amount of energy and money they are wasting on these phantom loads. 

Smart plugs help you reduce this energy waste by allowing better control over your appliances. Even though the current smart plug market is small, it shows great potential for growth; therefore, homeowners will benefit significantly by investing in smart plugs. 

Save Energy With Smart Homes

Home automation is on the rise globally due to energy efficiency and positive environmental impact. With these statistics, it is clear that smart home products can provide several energy saving benefits. 

Several countries are taking measures to reduce their energy consumption. The European Union is taking major steps to reduce energy consumption in the continent, and one of these steps includes investing in smart energy-efficient products. (Europa Statistics, 2022). With better technological advancements, you can expect even more innovation in the smart market industry. 

For more information on how to create a Smart Home, check out our blog here